Agenda - Finance Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 2 - Senedd

Meeting date: 25 September 2019

Meeting time: 09.00
For further information contact:

Bethan Davies

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6372



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest




2       Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill: Further evidence session

(09:00-09:50)                                                                             (Pages 1 - 43)

Jeremy Miles AM, Counsel General

Christopher Warner, Deputy Director – Constitution and Justice

Matthew Denham-Jones, Deputy Director – Financial Controls


Paper 1 – Letter from the Counsel General and draft amendments to the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill – 20 September 2019

Research brief



Break: 09:50-10:00




3       Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill: Further evidence session


Elin Jones AM, Llywydd

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation, National Assembly for Wales

Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive, National Assembly for Wales


Research brief



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting




5       Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill: Consideration of evidence




6       Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill: Consideration of draft report

(11:20-11:35)                                                                         (Pages 44 - 100)

Paper 2 – Draft report

Paper 3 – Letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee - Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill – 30 August 2019



7       Scoping paper: Impact of variations in National and Sub-national taxes

(11:35-11:50)                                                                       (Pages 101 - 108)

Paper 4 – Scoping paper: Impact of variations in National and Sub-national taxes



8       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2020-21: Approach to scrutiny

(11:50-12:00)                                                                       (Pages 109 - 111)

Paper 5 – Approach to scrutiny for Welsh Government Draft Budget 2020-21



9       Letter from the Chair of the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee to the First Minister - Brexit preparedness and EU funding - 20 September 2019

(12.00-12.10)                                                                       (Pages 112 - 114)

Paper 6 - Letter from the Chair of the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee to the First Minister - Brexit preparedness and EU funding - 20 September 2019





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